Friday 23 December 2016

Orkney Archive Advent Calendar - A Christmas Farewell

Today we thought we'd  bring you the disembodied, yet Christmassy head of our social media brother, @OrkneyLibrary on his last ever day of working here.


...but then we decided to give him some bodies after all...


Stewart's shift ends at 1pm today (slacker), and so, as he turns in his date stamp, hangs up his key and helps himself from the library till one last time, let us all open the nearest window, crank up the volume and serenade him with this Buck's Fizz classic. Perhaps Storm Barbara will quieten long enough for him to hear it as he stands in the car park, a tear in his eye and that Mavis Riley book he went on about in his arms.

 So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen (pet), good by-ee.

Adieu Stew!

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, auf wiedersehen, adieu, farewell, bye, Stew! Thou are sorely missed by thy comrades.



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